- You were born in a palace by the sea...

+ A palace by the sea...Could it be?

- Yes that's right. You rode horseback when you were only three...

+ Horseback riding, me?

- And the horse,

* he was white.

- You made faces and terrorized the cook!

* Threw him in the brook!

+ Was I wild?

* Wrote the book!

- But you'd behave when your father gave that look!

* Imagine how it was, your long forgotten past,

we've got lots and lots to teach you and the time is going fast!

پی اس: اگه مثل من با خوندن خط اول این آهنگ، تا تهش تو مغزتون پخش می‎شه؛ تبریک می‎گم، شما هم از بچگی‎تون نتونستید آهنگای آناستازیا رو از سرتون بیرون کنید :دی